Ever changing landscape

Year 2020, with pun intended, gave us a perfect vision via the lenses of COVID19. 

We saw many things. We saw the damages and horor of the things we did to Mother Earth. Gave us the sights to see that pain She has been enduring.

There were leaders that we enamored and praised for their charm, charisma and flamboyance. Then we were given the sight and vision to see right through them. How empty and shallow they are. How protecting themselves became paramount and without shame, begged for charity from the very country they previously shunned.

We were blinded by the glitter of things and materials. Then we were given the sight that these things were made by hurting Mother Earth. 

Our desires for extravagance and luxury were turned to necessity. Then we were given the sight the horror of our ways.

Year 2020 is a year that gave us the lenses for us to see what were truly are, greedy, destructive, self centered, egotistical. We also saw the error of our ways. And we learned we needed to change. Changing is paramount instead of chasing our insatiable desires.


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