Letter to my younger self

Salaam and Greetings All,


It is a beautiful Monday. Traffic seems kind today. Hope the week has started well so far for you.


I am quite curious to this idea. It is about writing a “letter” to your younger self. Assuming we can warp time and bend it slightly so that you can send this letter to yourself, say, when you were 18 years old, just before you embark to the world of University, or just before you left home to venture on your own. Many years has passed since that day. Now that you are older, more experienced, hopefully wiser, what would you actually tell yourself? What advice, or cautions would you share, or would you say nothing, and let history repeat itself?


I have given this some thought. And I have no definitive answer. Sounds like I am indecisive. I guess I am more ambivalent than indecisive.


There are days, I would tell him to learn from my mistakes and not be like me. I want him to lead a life, where he can be better than me. Avoid all the missteps, the mistakes, the errors, the momentarily lapse of sanity, that has colored my life.


Then, there are days, I would tell him nothing. If not for all the mistakes and the falls I had, I wouldn’t be as different as I am today, and proud of it too.


However, during my rare lucid days, which is becoming rarer as the years go by, I believe I would tell him, four things. I would tell him

<![if !supportLists]>1.       <![endif]>To have Faith in God Almighty.

<![if !supportLists]>2.       <![endif]>To be strong to what life dishes out.

<![if !supportLists]>3.       <![endif]>To trust his instincts. And,

<![if !supportLists]>4.       <![endif]>To be proud of who he is.


The thing is , as I mulled over these things, I realize, I wish somebody has sat with me back then, and shared these life’s little secrets. No I am not looking for shortcuts in life. Neither am I saying I will be better off. I will probably make the same mistakes. The thing is, I would probably be comforted to know I am not alone. That I am different. But not that different. And everything will work turn out fine, eventually.


So, I ask you, what would you tell your younger self?


You can reply this email. Or you can reply on my blog. The URL is below.


As a student of life, as we are, it always heartening to know, that all of us are the same, yet, different enough to color this life’s journey we are going through.


Hope to hear from you and have a good week ahead.






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