In Search Of... A Leader

Salaam and Greetings,


Between 1976 till 1982, there was a TV documentary series called “In Search Of…”. It was hosted by Leonard Nimoy. It was devoted primarily to the search of the mysterious phenomena like Loch Ness, Yeti and the like. I love that show. It allows me to delve into the mysteries of the world.


I find many similarities between the TV series and searching for a leader. They seemed to be out there. People have seen them. There are witness accounts. But somehow we can’t seem to gather scientific proof and evidence of its existence. Just like Loch Ness, Yeti, Big Foot, and the Abominable Snowman. Theories are abound, though.


The difference between those mysterious animals, is that, there exist some good leaders. Some of them, extremely exemplary. We have seen them. Touched them. And even recorded them. Despite the many good ones, we seem to have a lack of them in almost all organizations, large or small. For decades, one challenge remained constant for CEOs is Talent / Leadership. There seem to be never enough. Either in number or in quality. We can’t seem to duplicate or produce more leaders.


Mr Rajeev Peshawaria, CEO of ICLIF, wrote an article back in 2011. The Great Training Robbery: Why the $60 Billion Investment In Leadership Development Is Not Working (  Yet, despite this huge investment, leadership seems to be as elusive as Loch Ness and Yeti. In fact, the only thing that seems to be doing well, is the industry of leadership development.


Why can’t we develop more leaders? Or leaders are only born and not made? Or are we asking for the wrong thing?


Somehow, in my experience in meeting Bosses who asked for Leadership development programs, seemed to have a preconceive idea what leaders and/or leadership should be. That is good. A few actually name names for their people to role model or become into. It helps to have a target or a mold to fit into. However, as I experience more, both in developing leadership programs, and being a leader of my team, I realize, if I were to fit into a model, I am not actually a leader. I am a follower. I am not allowed to express my leadership.


These bosses want their people to be like Steve Job or Bill Gates or Jack Welch or Richard Branson or Tony Fernandez. And, for some of these bosses I met, I usually ask them, “How may Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Jack Welch or Richard Branson or Tony Fernandez, do you know?” And the answer I consistently get is “One” of each.


They are what they are because they are willing to take a chance on becoming themselves. Yes they had help. They had mentors. They had training. But all that is to help them become better at being themselves. Not become somebody else.


So, before I end this article, “What have you done to your people lately?”


Have a good and safe weekend Ya’All.



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