A Time for Mourning - MH370

Salaam and Greetings All,


There are no words, and no easy way to say them, if you find the words.


For more than 24 hours, we have been bombarded with messages and news on the fate of MH370. The more we get them, the more difficult it gets, to sift through what is worth keeping and what needs to be deleted.


For me, maybe it is easier to “read and delete”. I am a distant onlooker. For me, the names are names without faces. Yes, there are a few, who are friends’ friends, or somebody, somebody knows.


But, that doesn’t mean, I cannot be sympathetic. I cannot imagine and fathom their pains, losses and sufferings. One moment they are hurt, and the next angry.


What can we do?


Stop the rumour mongering. Stop the speculating. Don’t just forward or share “news”, just because somebody sends them to you.


Mourning is not about spreading rumours. Mourning is about keeping vigil. Saying a prayer or two.


As much as we sympathize with the families of the passengers, we need to sympathize with the people who are trying their very best to provide us with updates on the situation.


I do lots of Leadership Development programs. And I have met so many good leaders. Unfortunately, I have seen many good leaders, branded bad leaders, for a situation they have absolutely no control. This is one example. It is easy for us to throw blame and accuse them of many things. I am certain, if the role is reverse, I seriously doubt we can do better.


No amount of training, development, experience and scenario planning can prepare anybody for such a tragedy. Yes, you can have the paper exercise. It doesn’t come with the roller coaster emotions, the challenges that comes with it. However, we have seen enough to know, there are leaders who can rise above a similar tragedy. Winston Churchill to name one. His leadership brought England together during the terror of WW2.


A leader can only rise, if we allow them to rise. By giving support and encouragement.


I do hope, situation will become clearer, and I seriously hope, it will become better. And a Leader shall rise.




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