On Becoming Champions

I take the LRT to work every day. And I am proud of it. I am less stressed. I know I can get there in a matter of minutes. It is comfortable and convenient. Alas, I digress from my main point.

There is this badminton court located between the LRT tracks and the Datuk Keramat market. The owner has this huge sign by the court (sorry no picture. Difficult to take a picture of the sign with the LRT still moving and the doors are closed). What fascinates me is that it has these three words Speed, Skill, Stamina written big and bold on it.

I guess the owner probably trains a few of the kids and youths there. I salute the owner for taking the kids off the streets and give them something healthy and meaningful to them. I bet these kids learn more than just badminton.

What’s interesting is that these trainees are taught very early on, that to be a champion in badminton, you need these three things, Speed, Skill and Stamina (though I would add Strength to the list).

Three simple words and three simple items that the trainees focus on. They know this from the start. They know what they need, what they need to train and build.

Yes, there are multitudes of things you need to be a Champion. I am not suggesting over simplifying the matter. But, I am a proponent of making things simple.

What I am saying here, in our pursuit to be Champions, Excellent Performers, High Achievers, have we made things simple, so that it is clear for everybody to achieve, or make it complicated and complex?


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