On Reflection and Inclination A few weeks ago, I was at the wedding reception of my cousin’s son. Met some relatives, whom I have not met in a while. One in particular was sitting next to me. We sort of grew up together. She is one year older than me. Hence, it is natural to be close. Back then, during the school holidays, my parents would take my siblings and I to her parents’ house. Her dad is my mum’s elder brother. Back then, their house overlooked acres of paddy fields. I did some work in the paddy fields, even though I was still in primary school. I learned a lot about growing paddy. We wanted to do some tap the rubber trees. My Mak Lang wouldn’t hear that. My cousin and I did a lot of catching up. We talked about, her parents, my parents, kids, grandkids, and knowing I am retiring soon, she asked me a question, that no one has ever asked me before. She asked me, of all the places I worked at, and the things I have done, which place that I consider the best place I have...
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" For centuries, older people have romanticized their youths, and insisted that things ain't what they used to be .", Hans Rosling, Factfulness , 2018, pg65. Past 2-3 weeks, I have decided to go back to my old routine of doing some readings in my SOHO every night. Well, most weeknights. I was doing quite a lot of reading and writing when I was doing my Masters. Now that I have completed and graduated, I, unfortunately, fell into some bad habits. Starting over, well, it felt good, reading, watching thought provoking talks in the internet, or listening to great conversations in the podcasts. I realize those bad habits of mine, are really bad habits. It felt good to be mentally and emotionally challenged. It felt good, when you read about something, or hear about something, you start to feel strongly, about something. Feeling angry about things that go wrong. Feeling elated about things that go right. Not feeling about anything, is just not acceptable. Coming to this routi...
Knowledgeable Consultants
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I have been in L&D past 30 years, in some form or another. I have also been an L&D consultant. Being both sides of the field, I have made plenty of mistakes. One of the things I want to share here is the way L&D consultants approach companies, with the intent to help the companies. Noble in intent, but sometimes that intent backfire. I was fortunate, when I approached them as a L&D consultant, they commented on my approach. Some are polite, some are loud. I learned nonetheless. Never approach a company without doing extensive homework. A few months ago, I received a solution to remedy challenges for an oil & gas business. They company I swork with, was never near the oil & gas spectrum Talk about being off-base. I have met many companies who approached me asking me to divulge all our company problems to them, so that they can develop solutions. Sorry, it doesn't work that way either. I have met some consultants, who did their homework. They not only know ou...
Ever changing landscape
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Year 2020, with pun intended, gave us a perfect vision via the lenses of COVID19. We saw many things. We saw the damages and horor of the things we did to Mother Earth. Gave us the sights to see that pain She has been enduring. There were leaders that we enamored and praised for their charm, charisma and flamboyance. Then we were given the sight and vision to see right through them. How empty and shallow they are. How protecting themselves became paramount and without shame, begged for charity from the very country they previously shunned. We were blinded by the glitter of things and materials. Then we were given the sight that these things were made by hurting Mother Earth. Our desires for extravagance and luxury were turned to necessity. Then we were given the sight the horror of our ways. Year 2020 is a year that gave us the lenses for us to see what were truly are, greedy, destructive, self centered, egotistical. We also saw the error of our ways. And we learned we needed to chan...
Tough, or Mean
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I learrd this when I was in this military high school at 16 years old. For the next two years and eight months, I learned, among my officers and NCO instructors, who among them are tough, and who are just mean. And you can tell. Sometimes not right away. But as you get to know them, it is very apparent. I carried that lesson with me till today. I have had bosses who tells me they are just being tough, but actually they are downright mean. And I have had bosses who are just like some of my instructors, tough and loud on the outside but soft and gooey on the inside. It is the mean ones that really get to you. Worse, they think they are doing justice to you. They think they are helping you. They think they are toughening you up. I liken them to abusive parents, or abusive spouses. And these bosses couldn't understand why I don't like them. I think somewhere along the way they lost the meaning of tough and mean. But I also learned that these mean people lacked the compassion and lo...
Color blind
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I am in the LRT. Standing next to me are three Form 1/2 kids. One chinese boy. One indian boy. And I think, one malay boy. Sharing ice cream. Using the same one spoon. Sharing drinks, from the same one bottle. I think they are color blind. I don't think they know they are from different races. Better yet. I don't think they care. To them, what is important is, they are friends. Why is there so many adults tainting their friendship? I do hope, their friendship will outlast any form of prejudice. Kudos kids. Well done.
What's my excuse?
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Got this picture from a local newspaper reporting on the hundreds of thousands of 17 year old taking the Malaysian high school exam, SPM, which started on Monday, 3 Nov. Looking at this picture, I am humbled and even ashamed at myself. I think I am only one tenth of this boy. His courage, his determination, sets him apart from many of us. Me included. For you, young man, I pray for your success. And I am sure you will. And better than most of us.