" For centuries, older people have romanticized their youths, and insisted that things ain't what they used to be .", Hans Rosling, Factfulness , 2018, pg65. Past 2-3 weeks, I have decided to go back to my old routine of doing some readings in my SOHO every night. Well, most weeknights. I was doing quite a lot of reading and writing when I was doing my Masters. Now that I have completed and graduated, I, unfortunately, fell into some bad habits. Starting over, well, it felt good, reading, watching thought provoking talks in the internet, or listening to great conversations in the podcasts. I realize those bad habits of mine, are really bad habits. It felt good to be mentally and emotionally challenged. It felt good, when you read about something, or hear about something, you start to feel strongly, about something. Feeling angry about things that go wrong. Feeling elated about things that go right. Not feeling about anything, is just not acceptable. Coming to this routi...