Five Reasons Training Fails
Salaam and Greetings, Even though I have done 20years plus of Learning & Development, I still make mistakes like a rookie. I listen to the wrong people, even though I know they are wrong. I can accept differences of opinion. But, wrong is wrong. And I am mature enough to acknowledge someone is right, even though I may not like that person. Right is right. Isn’t it? Classic example is, as a professional L&D person, I am always being asked to develop programs to solve performance problems. Problems range from absenteeism, tardiness, not performing to standards etc. Nothing wrong with that. The challenge is that, too many managers and supervisors believe attending a course is the panacea for all their ills and problems. And worse is, before I could open my mouth, the manager would say, something like “I know what is wrong with them, and I know what kind of program they need”. And my mistake is, I keep my mouth shut, and let things go their way. And, affect my credibility and ...